Thursday, March 13, 2008

I signed up for PPP!

Hello all,
I signed up for payperpost! And I couldn't be happier. This is a site where I get to post about products that we all have a passion for and then I get paid for it. I found out about pay per post while I was searching for a way to make money for future tea purchases. And a way I have found. I have learned that I can accept up to three posts per day and that will more than afford a wide array of tea and tea products to be written about. This is a dream come true for me because I am also thinking that this could come close to paying my rent as well, meaning I will not have to abandon my quest for a expensive taste in tea that I have recently acquired. This site seems like a pretty tight nit community as well. I received excellent service and help from the staff and they have helped me at every step to become a member. And even more, you can become a member by reviewing one of my posts. Yes, you will get paid for it as well. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who has a blog to make some spare cash and make some links to your site as well. Ihope you all sign up as soon as possible as well. Good Luck, and Good Tea.

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